The discord community had seen bots that provide services related lớn a particular niche only. Though these bots are the ones perfectly skilled in their niche, & therefore provide the best service in the respective area, yet things could have been much more easy and convenient for a user if a single bot provided multiple và amazing features. Now, this fact cannot be argued upon that whether creating a discord bot dedicated to lớn a particular niche is beneficial or for multiple niches. Since there are also many such bots that are solely dedicated to providing quality services only in a particular field. Yet, these bots that provide multiple services are much more considerable and useful in the eyes of a vps admin or user. Thus, in this blog we are going lớn discuss one such multi-functional bot, that has multiple exciting features to keep its users hooked up the entire time.

Bạn đang xem: Cách dùng bot zero two

The bot of which we talk of here is called by the name “ZeroTwo”. The zerotwo bots are a result of the chất lượng thinking và dedication of developers that have made the bot so useful và fun. The zerotwo bots isn’t a new one và showing its excellent performance over discord, the bot has made its place in the most beloved communities reaching out khổng lồ almost 1.21 million servers while it rapidly grows as we talk of it. The bot offers a bunch of things lớn perform that are fun and genuine lớn carry out. Let’s straight away go ahead discussing the best features that the bot has for its users và how can one enjoy the entire time just with the help of this amazing masterpiece. 

How to địa chỉ cửa hàng or Invite Zerotwo Bot on your server?Zero Two Bot Discord FeaturesHow to lớn use Zero Two Bot with commands và dashboard?How to lớn play music with Zero Two Bot Commands ?All Zero Two bot Commands menu < Comandos Zero Two >Zero Two Help CommandsZero Two Settings CommandsZero Two Games CommandsZero Two Role-Management CommandsZero Two Profile Settings CommandsZero Two Random CommandsZero Two Music CommandsZero Two Moderation CommandsZero Two Roleplay CommandsZero Two Chat-Management Commands

How to địa chỉ or Invite Zerotwo Bot on your server?

You can địa chỉ the Zerotwo bot to your server by using the invite link: Invite. Khổng lồ properly add and mix up the Zerotwo Bot follow the steps below.

STEP 3: Authorise the permissions that the Zerotwo bot requires to work properly.

STEP 4: Fill up the Captcha.

STEP 5: Return to the discord vps where you have added the Zerotwo bot.

The first thing khổng lồ try is khổng lồ access the dashboard & do some things. To vì this, type “zt!serversettings”. A new message will pop up with a liên kết clicking on which you will be taken khổng lồ a new page in your browser. Click on Bot Dashboard and a new page will mở cửa up. This page is the web dashboard through which you can manage & change configurations for the zerotwo bot and various other settings for your discord server. Now you can go to lớn the settings tab in the navigation bar và a bunch of settings are going lớn show up. You can change the mặc định prefix to whatever you want. You can also change the greeting of the zerotwo bot to lớn your liking. You can bởi moderation và change permissions for any member of the discord server. You can mute, warn, punish and ban someone if they break the rules of your server. On the moderation page you can mix up the muted role and the logging channel. For the logs you can create a separate & dedicated channel. You can also configure various other things like custom commands và greetings. Greetings come into play when someone joins your server & they would get an embed or a message of some sort. So you can phối a custom greeting as well as a channel where this greeting will show up once someone joins your discord server. Overall, the web dashboard is a very cool and great feature if you want a feature rich bot khổng lồ moderate your server & make it more fun lớn be in.

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The ZeroTwo bot also has many other features as well besides moderation. The bot comes with many different games like Minesweeper và dice games which the server members can use to lớn pass their time. The ZeroTwo bot can also be used lớn find GIFs of any character from the internet as well as avatars and profile pictures for anything that the user desires. For fun, the users can play the shipping game and play different music lớn light up the conversation they are having with other members. All in all, the ZeroTwo bot is a very all rounded bot with a lot of features. So, it can be pretty fun lớn have it in your server và the bot also provides a lot of utilities which can make your hệ thống a pretty fun & lively place which is very easy lớn manage.

How to play music with Zero Two Bot Commands ?

Zero Two only provide music support for their premium users. The best thing about premium is the tư vấn for Youtube Query và Songs.

You can kiểm tra the pricing for Zero Two premium at Zero Store to lớn access the music feature.
If you want to lớn play music on your server and don’t want khổng lồ spend on zerotwo premium then I will suggest lớn discord music bots. Hydra Bot is one of the best bot for playing music on you discord server for free.If you have a premium access khổng lồ Zero Two bot & want lớn know how to lớn play music then you can follow the below guide.Join a Voice Channel – First of all, join a voice channel and if you don’t have then create one. When you are joined in the voice channel then only the zerotwo bot will be able to lớn play music. After joining the voice channel enter the below command in any text channel for zero two lớn join the same voice channel.Play Command – You can play any song on the voice channel by just using the “-play” command. For example, just type “zt!play Despacito” on the voice channel, the bot will automatically start to play the Despacito tuy vậy while you are inside the voice channel và when you exit the channel it will stop the tuy vậy and will resume when you come back on the channel again. zt!play despacitoYou can either play the tuy nhiên by name or you can play the song with the link. For example, you can type “zt!play link” and then at the place of the link you can add the playlist links from youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc. -zt!play Command – You can queue the songs by adding them one after another with the “play” command. For example, if you write commands “zt!play Despacito” và then “zt!play timber” then Despacito will start to play on the voice channel và timber will be put onto the queue as the next tuy vậy to be played. You can easily see the songs which are currently playing and which songs are in queue with the “zt!queue” command. -queue⬐ current track 1) Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. Daddy Yank… 4:28 left ⬑ current track 2) Pitbull - Timber ft. Ke$ha 3:35 This is the end of the queue!There are many zero two music commands that you can look into.