To delete your Bigo Live trương mục permanently, whether you have another account or you want to leave Bigo Live app and you want khổng lồ erase all your information from the Bigo Live app, follow the instructions below in a few steps through Bigo Live Deletion Option.

Bạn đang xem: Xóa tài khoản bigo live

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How lớn delete BIGO trương mục permanently ?

In the next steps below you will be able to delete bigo tài khoản permanently and remove all your information in Bigo Live ứng dụng if your account meet pass all required conditions for deletion.






How khổng lồ make sure my Bigo trương mục has been deleted ?

Once you clicked on Delete tài khoản in step 7 you will see this message (The account has been deleted successfully.) và you will be logged out automatically. That means your account in process for deletion permanently.

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How to lớn cancel a Bigo account Deletion ?

Once you process your account for deletion, you will have trăng tròn days lớn restore your account and cancel Bigo tài khoản deletion process.To cancel Bigo Live tài khoản Deletion, log in to the tài khoản using your phone number or via other methods that you"ve bonded with your account.

Why can"t i delete Bigo account ?

There is several reasons may prevent you from deleting your Bigo Live Account. Here are some common reasons:

Huge amount of diamonds, beans or both of it:

Your tài khoản contains a huge amount of diamonds and beans or one of them.

Refund request or Banned account:

You had refund request in process. Your Balance has been frozen or your trương mục has been banned.

Official Contract:

You have a valid official contract as an official broadcaster.

Account abnormal use:

The account has been reported or marked as a stolen or hacked account.

Have questions About delete Bigo Live trương mục ?

If you have any questions or inquiry you can write a bình luận below và we will be glad to assist you sooner. Or you can email us if there is a private personal issue.